Tahfizul Quran


Tahfeezul Quran

The Holy Qur’an is the word of Almighty God (Allah), the Lord of the Worlds, which was revealed in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) approximately 1400 years ago by the Angel Jibraeel. It is the most read book in the world. It is memorized letter by letter, word for word. No single dot of the Qur’ân has been changed or altered since its revelation.

Every year, during the month of Ramadaan; all 30 chapters are recited from memory in congregational prayer at Mosques around the world. The person who memorizes this divine book is known as a “Hafiz ul Qur’an” and is highly honoured. It takes a person about 3 years to memorize the Holy Qur’an. A “Hafiz” will spend his entire life safeguarding the Holy Qur’an.

We also provide education according to the course of Arabic, Persian Board and Dars-e-nizami to students of Madrasa Faran Tahfizul Quran and Madrasa Almaahadul Islami run under Al-Faran Educational and Welfare Society.

Maulana Dr. Sayeedr Rahman Sb. Azmi - (Rector)

Maulana Md. Absarul Haque Sb. Qasmi - (Secretary)